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General Anaesthetic Dentist

General Anaesthetic Dentist Service – calm, worry-free dentistry.

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Need extensive dental treatment like wisdom teeth removal that you absolutely cannot bear the thought of being performed in the dental chair? Sweating, feeling dizzy and know (for a fact) that sedation dentistry isn’t going to be ‘enough’ ? Or maybe you recognise that no amount of self-talk, meditation or trying to ‘rationalise’ is actually going to get you (and keep you) in that dental chair. 

It’s a tough one, because dental work is essential for overall health. Here’s some good news though –formed a partnership with Port Macquarie Private Hospital, allowing our patients to receive general anesthesia there for dental surgery.

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Our general anesthetic dentist service is a game-changer

implant dentures

At TL Dental we understand that sedation won’t be ‘enough’ for some patients requiring dental surgeries like wisdom teeth removal, tricky extractions and dental implants. However, with our general anesthesia dentist service, the ‘payoffs’ include:

Stay in Port MacquarieYou don’t have to travel to the ‘big smoke’ to be ‘put under’ – get your dental treatment in town and recover quickly, supported at home by loved ones, and saving costs.

Making dentistry accessibleChildren with special needs and/or severe anxiety can get the dental surgery they need, without experiencing unnecessary distress.

No wait listsOur general anesthetic dentist agreement with the hospital means you’ll get seen quickly, your painful teeth removed, and/or your new dental implants placed. You don’t have to wait to continue living your best (pain-free) life.

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Using general anesthesia in dentistry

root canal

We know receiving a dental treatment plan requiring surgery can be daunting for some patients, and that’s why we’ve partnered with Port Macquarie Private Hospital to provide general anesthetic services for our patients.

If you require surgical extractions – such as wisdom teeth removal, or complex tooth removal (identified by our convenient in-clinic 3D imaging technology – no trips to radiologists required here), or, are receiving dental implants, our general anesthesia dentist agreement will help to facilitate your successful treatment, in hospital, without pain or any awareness of the required procedure.

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Our general anaesthetic procedure


Three steps to getting the dental treatment you need, stress-free.


Book an appointment if you’re in pain, or we will recommend a specific treatment if we pick something up during your six-monthly check-up and clean.


If you require general anesthetic, we'll book in your treatment at the hospital, where you will be safely placed ‘under’, and, under the care of experts – i.e. one of our internal TL Dental Surgeons, or our external Dental Surgeon, Dr Jannen Tan. Rest assured you’ll always be fully informed and seen quickly – no long long waiting list here!


Come out with your treatment complete, your nerves calm, and healthy teeth.

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General anaesthetic dentist cost

This will vary patient to patient depending on your treatment.

Medicare will cover some of the Anaesthetist’s fees as might your private health cover.
Surgeons' fees are in addition to Anaesthetists' services however we do offer flexible payment plans. 

See payment plans
We accept all major health funds
Preferred providers for NIB, HCF,
Medibank and Westfund
Claim HICAPS on the spot
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What are the risks of a general anaesthetic?

Risks include breathing difficulties, nausea, confusion, and in rare, extreme cases – ‘awakeness’ during the surgery, or organ damage. These will be fully discussed with you beforehand and mitigated by sharing your full medical history with TL Dental and the hospital's health team.

What is the difference between ‘general’ and ‘local’ anaesthetic?

General anaesthetic will see your whole body unable to feel pain as you’re put into a state of unconsciousness, while your vital signs are monitored, whereas local anaesthetic is site-specific and while you cannot feel a particular area, you remain awake.

What is general anaesthesia vs sedation?

General anaesthesia will see you completely unresponsive during the operation, whereas sedation will have you aware and awake enough to be able to follow directions, albeit within a ‘sleep-like’ state. Both types ensure you will not feel any pain.

Who performs my surgery?

Your surgery will be performed by one of our TLD Dental team including our new Visiting Surgeon, Dr Jannen Tan. We will discuss this with you in person to ensure all nerves are calmed and you’re fully ‘briefed’ before committing to the surgery.

Who is most suited to general anaesthetic dentistry?

Patients who require surgical procedures – for example dental implants, bone grafting, and complicated wisdom tooth extractions. 


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