Ever wondered what sedation dentistry is and who it’s for? We’re dentists – not gatekeepers – so to save you some time – it’s the process of using medicine to relax a dental patient during a dental procedure.
Patients who typically request this (FYI: it’s also known as ‘sleep dentistry’) are those who:
And the differences between sedation vs anaesthesia? Well, the first one focuses on relaxing your mind and body, whereas the latter is about physically ‘numbing’ the area. What about the difference between local and general anaesthesia? ‘Local’ stops pain in a specific area and you’re awake, and ‘general’ stops pain all over and you’re unconscious.
This article covers the different types of sedation and types of anesthesia. Rest assured – (pardon the pun) you won’t be in charge of deciding what to use – but it’s always good to be informed.
This 👆🏼is an ‘umbrella’ term for oral sedation, iv sedation and general sedation, and is also referred to as ‘twilight sedation’ or ‘relaxation dentistry’, and can best be described as conscious sedation.
Sleep dentistry sees sedation medications being administered in the dental chair to calm a patient’s nerves if they’re anxious about a particular procedure, or if they’re undergoing multiple procedures during their one visit. Dental sedation might take the form of laughing gas, in pill form, or when the sedation drugs are injected into the patient’s vein – intravenous sedation (this is what we offer).
The result sees the patient still awake, able to follow directions, but completely relaxed – and in some cases they might even ‘nod off’. Depending on the type of dental procedure being performed, pain medication might also be administered.
Conscious sedation sees a qualified anaesthetist brought in to TL Dental to administer the sedation medication and a facilities fee so your approximate extra cost, begins at just over $1,000. However as you can see by the question below, some of this is covered by Medicare and your private health insurance may also cover some of the costs.
Medicare offers a rebate for dental sedation, and private insurers may cover some of the costs. You will need to review your private health insurance policy.
All types of medical procedures bring risk, including light sedation. Our dentists will discuss any risks with you (such as prolonged drowsiness) and your medical history will be shared with the anaesthetist to ensure you’re provided with appropriate care. You will also be monitored throughout the treatment.
This question should be: WHO is sleep dentistry used for? Sleep dentistry is most commonly used in anxious patients. It can be used for any treatment, from check-ups and cleans to wisdom teeth extractions.
Many people with a strong gag reflex also request sleep dentistry, especially for treatments like crowns and fillings at the back of the mouth.
We offer different types of sedation for different types of dental work.
Had a filling, extraction, root canal, gum scaling or some emergency dental? It’s likely your dentist would have administered local anesthetic – at the source of the discomfort, to reduce any pain. Also the difference between local and general anaesthesia is that local anesthetic is to numb a specific area, so you don’t feel pain, whereas general anesthetic sees you induced into an unconscious state and not feel any pain.
It’s medicine typically injected at the specific treatment site, which blocks surrounding nerves. It can also be topical – such as a numbing cream.
This will vary per procedure and how much is used. As per our treatment approach, we will discuss these costs with you within your treatment plan, and you might also be eligible to make use of our payment plans.
You will need to review your private healthcare policy for this one. Medicare typically doesn’t cover dental procedures, however, an exception to this might be the Child Dental Benefits Scheme, if your child is eligible.
Yes, when administered by a qualified medical professional. Your dentist will ask you if you’ve had any prior allergic reactions and adjust the medicine accordingly.
Local anesthetic can be used for most dental treatments that might cause a patient discomfort.
General anaesthesia – is also known as full anesthesia – and we’re super proud to now offer it! TL Dental is now known as a Port Macquarie full anesthesia dentist – which sees our patients able (if eligible) to receive dental surgery at Port Macquarie Private, whilst under general anesthetic.
It’s medicine used to induce a patient into an unconscious state, such that they cannot feel, respond to, nor remember any medical procedure.
This will vary per procedure – however it will be upwards of $1,000 – as a qualified anaesthetist will be attending the procedure, administering the general anesthetic, and monitoring the patient’s vital signs throughout the surgery.
This will be case dependent, and in line with your private healthcare policy. Medicare does offer some rebates on GA anaesthesia with eligible surgeries.
As with all medical procedures there is an element of risk, however this will be assessed and monitored by qualified medical professionals.
GA anesthesia may be used for surgical dental procedures – think wisdom teeth, dental implants, root canals, bone grafting, and is typically requested for highly anxious patients, those with special needs, or those requiring multiple treatments.
All this to say – if the thought of heading to the dentist brings on severe anxiety, panic attacks, or fear to the point you cancel, delay or avoid your six-monthly check-ups – you can now ‘rest’ in the knowledge that we’re now your Port Macquarie IV sedation dentist and full anesthesia dentist.
We’re known for incredible dental in Port Macquarie – so relax (or doze off) and come in and experience how we’ve built this reputation.